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Which Scrap Metal is Worth the Most?


Evelyn y

Mar. 07, 2024
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Which Scrap Metal is Worth the Most?

You might think that once metal has been put inside a building or molded into a defined shape, that its fate is sealed. Across the country, hard working recyclers are making a profit by scouring waste streams in search of high-quality scrap metal. If you’ve ever wondered what happens to all the metal that shapes our daily lives once it has served its purpose, you need only ask a scrapper.

Exactly how much money is there in the scrap metal industry, and which metals are bringing in the most throughout the world?

Current Price of Popular Scrap Metals

Before you set out to scrounge up a fortune in scrap metal, you should know how much you can expect to get paid. That all depends on what you’re bringing in.

– Copper is by far the most expensive metal. High-grade copper, called Bare Bright, can get up to $2.85 a pound. Low-grade copper like the kind found in Christmas Lights is about a quarter a pound.

– Aluminum, like the kind in house siding, window frames, or aluminum cans can be worth up to 65 cents a pound.

– Brass for plumbing fixtures and piping can swell to up to $1.44 a pound.

You can also get money for the precious metals found in electric motors, alternators, and starters, but those tend to fetch about 10 to 20 cents a pound.

The prices of various scrap metals are always changing. And they’re not even static from one scrap yard to another. Based on a yards contracts or reputations, the amount they’ll pay for scrap can vary. Fortunately, there are several sites dedicated to keeping the general public informed of the current price of scrap metal.

Some Tips and Tricks for At-Home Scrappers

Are you thinking about getting into the scrap metal game? Have you memorized the scrap copper prices? Do you have a reliable truck with a big bed? Here are some tips for scrapping beginners:

– Learn how to spot metals by sight and equip yourself with a good magnet.

Sort your metal into its various components. This will help you get an idea of how much you can expect to earn.

– If you want some good scrap metal, talk to construction companies. They might need someone to cart off their excess.

Shop around for an honest scrap yard. Then, call them and find out how much they’re charging for individual metals.

There’s far more intricacy to this thriving field, but this is a great place to start.

The Profits Depend on Smart Decisions

From an owner’s perspective, the profit margins in a scrap yard can be thin if you’re not using the right scrap processing solutions. Success depends on the companies you choose to work with and the hard work you put in. To learn more about scrapping or the scrap processing equipment that General Kinematics offers for automating large-scale scrap operations, contact us today!


As you probably guessed, copper is the most valuable metal to scrap. Even with a fluctuating market, copper is always a good metal to sell. It is so valuable because it has an infinite recycling life, meaning it can be used again and again without losing its quality.

It’s also used in such a wide variety of industries, meaning it is always in high demand.


Second to copper is brass. Sometimes mistaken for gold, it’s often found in ornate decorations and furnishings such as doorknobs. And, of course, it’s found in many musical instruments.


This is widely used in the automotive industry and is another one of the most valuable scrap metals. Just like copper, it can be infinitely recycled without losing its quality, making it a highly sought-after metal in many industries.

Interestingly, because of the efficient way it can be recycled, of the 9.5 billion aluminium cans produced in the UK every year, 75% are recycled. That’s a huge percentage when compared to plastic and other recycled materials.

Stainless Steel

One of the most common scrap metals, stainless steel is pretty valuable as scrap if it is clean, high-grade and well maintained. It’s used throughout modern kitchens and is now even popular for kitchen countertops, making it another in demand scrap metal.


Although lead used to be a widely used metal, it’s now much less common due to its toxicity. Even so, it is still used in the manufacture of large car batteries, so it does hold a relatively high scrap value.

If you come across old lead pipes when renovating a house, handle them with care and be aware that they are very heavy.

Follow Current Trading Prices

It’s important to remember that the prices of scrap metal are always fluctuating. Although these prices don’t tend to have a significant impact on dealers when dealing with small quantities – they’ll usually have fairly consistent metal prices.

If you have scrap metal you want a great price for, give our team a call today. We’ll be able to tell you what your scrap is worth and set up a time for a collection or drop-off at our local depot.

Which Scrap Metal is Worth the Most?

What are the Most Valuable Scrap Metals?



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